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LaNae Fuerst
Admissions Counselor
I taught Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) for three years in Gettysburg, S.D. I then took a job closer to home and taught FACS for three years at Corsica-Stickney, before becoming an admissions counselor at Dakota Wesleyan University.
Rachel Giblin
Associate Director of Admissions
Janet Greenway
Graduate & Online Enrollment Coordinator
1 yr. (1989): Dakota Wesleyan University: Resident Director of Dayton Hall, 4 yrs. (1990-1994): Dakota Wesleyan University: Admissions Counselor, 29 yrs. (1994-2023): Mitchell Technical College: Admissions Counselor, Career Services, Academic Advising, and Registrar
Renee Koerner
Campus Visit Coordinator
Morning Show Host and Operations Manager at KMIT Radio in Mitchell, SD (2006-2021) and Mobile Marketing for CMT and Hershey's (2002-2006)
Corbin Kramer
Performing Arts Talent Coordinator
Admissions, Music, Theatre
Laurie Martin
Enrollment Services Specialist
Queen of Peace Hospital (Radiologic Technologist, 15 years), City of Mitchell (Communications Specialist, 10+ years), Martin Group (Administrative Assistant, 9 years)
Megan Sarne
Admissions Counselor
Taught 3 years at Red Rock Central in Lamberton, MN. Taught 2 years at Longfellow Elementary in Mitchell, SD.
Fredel Thomas, MBA
Vice President of Admissions and Marketing
Admissions, Marketing and Communications
Fredel started her career at DWU as director of the Kelly Center for Entrepreneurship, where she taught entrepreneurial leadership courses and served as a resource for regional businesses in South Dakota. She was named dean of admissions in 2015 and was promoted to vice president of admissions and marketing in 2018. As an extension to her work at DWU, Fredel served as chair of the Council on College Admissions in South Dakota, is a board member of the Dakota Association for College Admission Counseling, serves on the South Dakota Freedom Scholarship Advisory Council, is an affiliate for Credo, a higher education consulting firm, and a frequent speaker for the National Small College Enrollment Conference. Prior to DWU, Fredel worked 12 years in the telecommunications and technology industry as a programmer, quality assurance officer, project manager and director of product management. She has served as a board member for the Weekend Snack Pack, the Abbott House, the Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce, the Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota, and Avera Queen of Peace. She is active in her church where she leads youth group.
Taylor Van Pelt
Admissions Counselor
I started my professional career as a Campus and Youth Advocate at Northeast Community College through Bright Horizons. I advocated for college students and youth overcoming domestic violence and sexual assault. I then transitioned into an Admission Counselor role at Wayne State College. After a year of experience, I have decided to move closer to my family and home community while continuing to specialize on enrollment and admissions efforts.