I am a member of the National Association of Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), Rocky Mountain Association of Financial Aid Administrators (RMASFAA), and the South Dakota Association of Financial Aid Administrators (SDASFAA). I am also a member of the board of directors with the Mitchell Heart & Sole cancer assistance program.
Kitty Allen, M.S.A.
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Kitty is responsible for oversight and implementation of strategic initiatives for university fundraising and alumni relations. She is also a key contact for DWU’s United Methodist constituency. Before coming to Mitchell, Allen served as the director of the Appalachian Local Pastors School a United Methodist Course of Study School located in Barbourville, Ken., for nine years, and she worked in advancement at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Ken., for several years prior.
Derek Driedger, Ph.D.
Provost and Academic Affairs
Dean of Adult and Professional Studies, Dakota Wesleyan University, 2015-present; Associate Dean of Digital Learning, Dakota Wesleyan University, 2013-2015; English Professor, Dakota Wesleyan University, 2007-2013
Emily George
Executive Administrative Assistant
President, Provost and Academic Affairs
Dan Kittle, Ph.D.
Served in Student Affairs at Michigan State University, 16 years at Wartburg College; served in faculty development, community engagement, service-learning, as well as served as the Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives and as the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students.
Jodi Landgaard, MBA
Vice President of Finance & Administration
Business Office
Worked 20 years in corporate and private industries. Landgaard worked for 16 years at a public community college in Minnesota. She began her role as VP of Finance & Administration in August 2023.
Jan Larson, MBA
Director of University Marketing and Communications
Marketing and Communications
Larson was previously employed at TrioTel Communications, Inc., a broadband provider based in Salem, for more than 10 years while holding positions as director of internal operations and as marketing supervisor. She worked for local and statewide political campaigns and as an intern for Sen. John Thune in Washington, D.C. She previously served as a board member of Mitchell’s First Circuit CASA, and currently serves as a board member for the Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota. She is a member of Mitchell’s Downtown First United Methodist Church.
Bethany Melroe Lehrman, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Dr. Bethany Melroe Lehrman is a professor of chemistry; dean of the Donna Starr Christen College of Healthcare, Fitness and Sciences; and CHAOS club’s faculty adviser at DWU. In fall 2015, she received a HOPES grant, which allowed DWU students the opportunity to work with and teach science to fifth-graders from L.B. Williams Elementary in Mitchell. She is also a member of many professional affiliations: American Chemical Society (ACS), ACS Division of Chemical Education, Phi Lambda Upsilon (National Honorary Chemical Society), Phi Kappa Phi (Multidisciplinary Honor Society) and Gamma Sigma Delta (Honor Society of Agriculture). Awards: DWU Clarke Award for Teaching Excellence in 2021, DWU Exemplary Teacher Award in 2017, and DWU Faculty Professional Excellence Award in 2015
Vince Redder, Ph.D.
Professor in the Department of English and Languages | Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities
English and Languages
Dakota Wesleyan University (Dean and Professor), Wichita County, Texas (Adult Probation Department: Probation Officer and Court Services Officer), Wichita Falls, Texas (ISD: Certified Secondary English Teacher), Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas (Associate Pastor)
Louie Schoenfelder
Associate Physical Plant Director
Physical Plant
Auto/diesel mechanic, dairy farmer
Fredel Thomas, MBA
Vice President of Admissions and Marketing
Admissions, Marketing and Communications
Fredel started her career at DWU as director of the Kelly Center for Entrepreneurship, where she taught entrepreneurial leadership courses and served as a resource for regional businesses in South Dakota. She was named dean of admissions in 2015 and was promoted to vice president of admissions and marketing in 2018. As an extension to her work at DWU, Fredel served as chair of the Council on College Admissions in South Dakota, is a board member of the Dakota Association for College Admission Counseling, serves on the South Dakota Freedom Scholarship Advisory Council, is an affiliate for Credo, a higher education consulting firm, and a frequent speaker for the National Small College Enrollment Conference. Prior to DWU, Fredel worked 12 years in the telecommunications and technology industry as a programmer, quality assurance officer, project manager and director of product management. She has served as a board member for the Weekend Snack Pack, the Abbott House, the Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce, the Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota, and Avera Queen of Peace. She is active in her church where she leads youth group.
Penny Tilton, DNP, M.S.N., RN
Associate Professor in the Department of Nursing | Administrative Chair of Nursing
Before coming to Dakota Wesleyan University, I taught nursing at SDSU for 6 years.
Travis Walz
Director of IT
Information Technology
Martin Group/CHR Solutions, Ethos/Navigant/Guidehouse