
Leadership Council

MEET Faculty & Staff Leaders

Mary Alexander, M.S., FAAC

Director of Financial Aid
Financial Aid

Kitty Allen, M.S.A.

Vice President of Institutional Advancement

Derek Driedger, Ph.D.

Provost and Academic Affairs

Emily George

Executive Administrative Assistant
President, Provost and Academic Affairs

Dan Kittle, Ph.D.


Jodi Landgaard, MBA

Vice President of Finance & Administration
Business Office

Jan Larson, MBA

Director of University Marketing and Communications
Marketing and Communications

Bethany Melroe Lehrman, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry

Vince Redder, Ph.D.

Professor in the Department of English and Languages | Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities
English and Languages

Louie Schoenfelder

Associate Physical Plant Director
Physical Plant

Fredel Thomas, MBA

Vice President of Admissions and Marketing
Admissions, Marketing and Communications

Penny Tilton, DNP, M.S.N., RN

Associate Professor in the Department of Nursing | Administrative Chair of Nursing

Travis Walz

Director of IT
Information Technology
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