I taught Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) for three years in Gettysburg, S.D. I then took a job closer to home and taught FACS for three years at Corsica-Stickney, before becoming an admissions counselor at Dakota Wesleyan University.
Rachel Giblin
Associate Director of Admissions
Janet Greenway
Graduate & Online Enrollment Coordinator
1 yr. (1989): Dakota Wesleyan University: Resident Director of Dayton Hall, 4 yrs. (1990-1994): Dakota Wesleyan University: Admissions Counselor, 29 yrs. (1994-2023): Mitchell Technical College: Admissions Counselor, Career Services, Academic Advising, and Registrar
Renee Koerner
Campus Visit Coordinator
Morning Show Host and Operations Manager at KMIT Radio in Mitchell, SD (2006-2021) and Mobile Marketing for CMT and Hershey's (2002-2006)
Corbin Kramer
Performing Arts Talent Coordinator
Admissions, Music, Theatre
Laurie Martin
Enrollment Services Specialist
Queen of Peace Hospital (Radiologic Technologist, 15 years), City of Mitchell (Communications Specialist, 10+ years), Martin Group (Administrative Assistant, 9 years)
Megan Sarne
Admissions Counselor
Taught 3 years at Red Rock Central in Lamberton, MN. Taught 2 years at Longfellow Elementary in Mitchell, SD.
Fredel Thomas, MBA
Vice President of Admissions and Marketing
Admissions, Marketing and Communications
Fredel started her career at DWU as director of the Kelly Center for Entrepreneurship, where she taught entrepreneurial leadership courses and served as a resource for regional businesses in South Dakota. She was named dean of admissions in 2015 and was promoted to vice president of admissions and marketing in 2018. As an extension to her work at DWU, Fredel served as chair of the Council on College Admissions in South Dakota, is a board member of the Dakota Association for College Admission Counseling, serves on the South Dakota Freedom Scholarship Advisory Council, is an affiliate for Credo, a higher education consulting firm, and a frequent speaker for the National Small College Enrollment Conference. Prior to DWU, Fredel worked 12 years in the telecommunications and technology industry as a programmer, quality assurance officer, project manager and director of product management. She has served as a board member for the Weekend Snack Pack, the Abbott House, the Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce, the Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota, and Avera Queen of Peace. She is active in her church where she leads youth group.
Taylor Van Pelt
Admissions Counselor
I started my professional career as a Campus and Youth Advocate at Northeast Community College through Bright Horizons. I advocated for college students and youth overcoming domestic violence and sexual assault. I then transitioned into an Admission Counselor role at Wayne State College. After a year of experience, I have decided to move closer to my family and home community while continuing to specialize on enrollment and admissions efforts.
Kitty Allen, M.S.A.
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Kitty is responsible for oversight and implementation of strategic initiatives for university fundraising and alumni relations. She is also a key contact for DWU’s United Methodist constituency. Before coming to Mitchell, Allen served as the director of the Appalachian Local Pastors School a United Methodist Course of Study School located in Barbourville, Ken., for nine years, and she worked in advancement at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Ken., for several years prior.
Reagan Grossi
Annual Fund and Alumni Associate
Jostens of Southern Arizona (Part-time employee 2018-2023), DWU (Sports Information Intern 2022-2023), Innovative Systems (UI/UX Designer Intern Jan. 2024 - July 2024)
Vickie Gukeisen
Administrative Assistant for Institutional Advancement
Jory Hansen, M.A.
Director of Development
Athletic Training
Rebecca Buchholz, MAT, ATC
Clinical Education Coordinator | Instructor of Athletic Training
Athletic Training
Began working at CNOS as an athletic trainer in June of 2023 at South Sioux City High School.
Randi Christensen, M.A.
Associate Professor | Director of Athletic Training Services
Athletic Training
She is a certified athletic trainer and adviser for the DWU Athletic Training Club. She has taught in the CAATE accredited athletic training program and also teaches and advises in the sport, exercise and wellness curriculum. She provides the AT coverage for DWU’s volleyball team and the women’s basketball team while mentoring the graduate assistant’s programs.
Kristen Longville
Associate Athletic Trainer
Athletic Training
Worked as a Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer for 1 year at Midland University. Worked at Stepping Stones as a Residential Supervisor for 3 years until this position. Work as a combat medic in the SD Army National Guard.
Matt McManus, M.Ed.
Associate Athletic Trainer | Instructor
Athletic Training
Head athletic trainer for Fargo Moorhead Redhawks (2015-2019), Associate athletic trainer at Concordia College Moorhead (2015-2021), Provide coverage to DWU baseball, men's and women's soccer, and also an Instructor for the Health and Sports Exercises Wellness program
Dan Wagner, EdD
Director of Athletic Training | Athletic Training Preceptor | Professor in the Athletic Training Program
Athletic Training
As preceptor, Wagner works with the wrestling team and rehabilitates DWU’s injured athletes. He also holds certification from the National Athletic Trainers Association; is a member of the South Dakota Athletic Trainers’ Association; and is an American Safety and Health Institute CPR Pro.
Matthew Zens, DPT
Associate Professor of Athletic Training
Athletic Training
Celeste Beck
Associate Head Coach of Women’s Basketball | Senior Women’s Administrator
Bailey Berg
Assistant Football Coach | Defensive Backs
(2022-2023) Northern State University: Defensive Graduate Assistant / Defensive Backs, (2020-2022) Minnesota State University, Mankato: Cornerbacks / Director of Football Operations, (2018-2020) Minnesota State University, Mankato: Defensive Line Assistant / Director of Football Operations, (2016-2018) Minnesota State University, Mankato: Offensive Student Assistant
Michael Bernarde
Assistant Football Coach | Offensive Line
Minnesota State University, Mankato - Assistant Coach (2014-2022)
Chris Bessler
Assistant Football Coach | Defensive Coordinator | Defensive Line
Asst. FB, Adj. Professor, Head FB (2007-2023 Doane University, N.E.), 5-8 Phy. Ed., Asst. FB, Asst. Track (2003-2007 Mary Institute and Country Day School, M.O.), Assistant FB, Assistant Track (2001-2003 Augustana College, I.L.), Graduate Assistant FB/Track (2000-2001 Northern State University, S.D.), 5-8 Spec. Ed., 9-12 Phy. Ed., Asst. FB, Asst. BB, Asst. Track (1995 - 2000 Cozad HS, N.E.)
Ryan Chase
Head Track and Field and Cross Country Coach
Jason Christensen
Associate Director of Athletics for Fundraising & Facilities | Head Women's Basketball Coach
Ross Cimpl, MBA
Director of Athletics
(2007-2010) Assistant Football Coach at University of Sioux Falls, (2010-2012) Assistant Football Coach at Dakota Wesleyan University, (2012-2024) Head Football Coach at Dakota Wesleyan University
Torren Devericks
Assistant Football Coach | Quarterbacks
Tommy Downs
Head Softball Coach
Charlie Dubanoski, M.S.
Head Baseball Coach
Associate director for player development-Sioux Empire Baseball Association, 2014-2016; assistant baseball coach-University of Sioux Falls, 2016-2021; head baseball coach-Sioux Falls Legion West, 2017-Current
John Hakari
Head Women's Soccer Coach | Esports Talent Recruiter
Anne Huber
Head Cheer and Dance Coach
I worked as a Job Cost Accountant for Tessier's Inc. for 7 years and have been the founder and owner of A.H.hhh...Dance since 1998.
Ben Johnson, M.Ed.
Assistant Baseball Coach
Winona State University (Baseball Coach - 2 years as Grad Assistant and 2 years as Assistant)
Alex Kretzschmar, M.S.
Head Football Coach | Offensive Coordinator
North Park University (Wide Receivers Coach), St. Ambrose University (Wide Receivers Coach, Video Coordinator), Colby College (Quarterbacks Coach, Wide Receivers Coach, Video Coordinator, Academic Coordinator), Dakota State University (Offensive Coordinator, Recruiting Coordinator), Valley City State University (Quarterbacks Coach, Wide Receivers Coach, Video Coordinator)
Dre Litsey
Assistant Track and Field and Cross Country Coach
John Lynch, DPT
Head Women's Wrestling Coach
Jeff Meyerink
Head Golf Coach
Martin Mueller
Head Men's Wrestling Coach
Graduate Assistant at South Dakota State 2021
Sam Nicholson
Assistant Men's Basketball Coach
Sina Nu'u
Assistant Volleyball Coach
I attended Texas Lutheran University to study Kinesiology and play Division III volleyball in the SCAC. While in college, I spent time in the club volleyball world working with young indoor and sand volleyball athletes. After completing my undergrad, I attended Hastings College to earn a Master's degree in Teaching and serve as the Graduate Assistant for the Bronco volleyball team.
Nicolas Reinhard, MBA
Head Men's Soccer Coach
Head Men's Soccer Coach at Dakota Wesleyan University (NAIA), Assistant Coach at Trevecca University (NCAA D2), Assistant Men's and Women's Soccer Coach at Donelson Christian Academy (High School)
Michael Sadler
Director of Strength and Conditioning
Marlene Warnke
Business Manager for Athletics
Dakota Wesleyan University, Faculty Secretary, 1990-99 | Dakota Wesleyan University, Campus Life Administrative Assistant, 1999-2005 | Dakota Wesleyan University, Athletics Business Manager 2005-present | Warnke has also served on various committees both on and off-campus.
Lindsay Wilber
Head Volleyball Coach
Kevin Williamson
Head Men's Basketball Coach
Behavioral Sciences
Julie Hart Schutte, M.S.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Behavioral Sciences
DWU (Psychology Adjunct, 2019-2024), Mitchell Technical College (Instructor of Human Services and Sociology, 2015-2024), Mitchell Technical College (Counselor and Disability Coordinator, 2003-2015), LifeQuest (Director of Career Connections, 1996-2003), Mitchell Technical Institute (Testing and Placement Specialist, 1993-1996), DWU (Assistant Director of Admissions, 1992-1993), DWU (Admissions Counselor, 1989-1992)
Tim Mullican, D.A.
Professor of Biology | Chairperson of the Department of Biological Sciences
Mullican currently serves as second vice president and webmaster for the South Dakota Academy of Science and holds membership in the Wildlife Society, the American Society of Mammalogists, Great Plains Natural Science Society, Sigma Xi and Phi Kappa Phi. Mullican’s research focuses on small mammal ecology and he has recently conducted a study on the status of the Bear Lodge meadow jumping mouse in the Black Hills of South Dakota with the help of the South Dakota Wildlife Action Plan Grant. Mullican has received the Professional Excellence award for faculty at DWU twice.
Julie Olson, M.A.
Assistant Professor of Biology
Southeast Technical College (Natural Sciences lead instructor (Anatomy, Physiology, Physics, and Environmental Science) 2021-2024), Mitchell Senior High (High School science teacher (Dual credit Biology, Environmental Science, Chemistry, and Alternative School Science) 1992-2021), Dakota Wesleyan University (Adjunct Professor (Microbiology, Secondary Science Teaching Methods, Biology) 1988-2020), Emery High School (High school science and math teacher (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geometry, Algebra I and II, Senior Math) 1988-1992)
Brian Patrick, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
Lori Solberg
DWU Store Manager
I was an assistant merchandiser with JC Penney’s before coming to Dakota Wesleyan University.
Justin Battistoni, CPA
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Tax Associate at EY, Graduate Assistant at University of Georgia, Peer Tutor at Bentley University
Clifford Chamberlain, MBA
Assistant Professor of Business and Marketing
Mr. Chamberlain has been in sales and management in a variety of industries ranging from frozen food, business advocacy, and insurance. Was involved in training and product development of insurance products. He started an insurance office in Marshall before returning to school to pursue his graduate degrees.
Tracy Dice, DBA
Associate Professor of Business and Economics
Jessica Dollahon, MBA
Assistant Director of the Kelley Center for Entrepreneurship | Assistant Professor of Management
Associate Professor | MBA Program Director | Director of the Kelley Center for Entrepreneurship
Business, Kelley Center for Entrepreneurship
Dr. Goldammer started her professional career as a high school English teacher. She moved into the private sector and worked in telecommunications and agribusiness. Here at DWU, Dr. Goldammer worked in public relations, went into student life in 2009, and in 2019 joined the business faculty.
Stuart Keenan, M.A., M.S.
Assistant Professor of Business
Cleary University (Registrar), Ball State University (Assistant Director for Transcripts), Muncie Indiana Transit System (Lead Dispatcher), Indiana University East (Adjunct Professor in History)
Renae Lehman
Learn & Earn Coordinator – Pierre
Middle and High School Teacher, K-12 School Librarian, Public Librarian
Christine Mauszycki, M.P.A., CPA
Associate Professor of Accounting | Keith B. Miller Endowed Chair of the Musick Family Department of Business
Business owner
Leah Mellegaard
Administrative Assistant
Dave Mitchell
Professor Emeritus, Business and Economics
Prior to Dakota Wesleyan, Mitchell was a systems analyst for Procter and Gamble and taught at Boston University. He has received both the Sears Award and Clarke Award for Teaching Excellence. His scholarly activities have focused on policy analysis and public presentations relating local and national public issues. Beyond DWU, Mitchell has been an active leader in the United Methodist Church and in local political and community activities.
Alisha Vincent, EdD
Director of Practical Church Leadership Program | Professor of Nonprofit Administration
Business, Nonprofit Administration
Dr. Vincent has served in a variety of capacities at DWU since her start in 2013, including executive director of the McGovern Center, dean of the College of Adult and Professional Studies, and associate provost for program development. While serving in administrative capacities, Dr. Vincent has also directed the Nonprofit Administration program and served as a faculty member. She is currently an associate professor and directs the graduate Practical Church Leadership and undergraduate Nonprofit Administration programs.
Business Office
Beth Day
Payroll Specialist
Business Office
Kerri Fahey
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Business Office
Abra Auto Body & Glass, Palace Builders, Guidehouse
Jodi Landgaard, MBA
Vice President of Finance & Administration
Business Office
Worked 20 years in corporate and private industries. Landgaard worked for 16 years at a public community college in Minnesota. She began her role as VP of Finance & Administration in August 2023.
Christine Patnoe
Business Operations Accountant
Business Office
(7 years) Boerboom International/Consolidated Ag Service: Corporate Accountant, (14 years) Northern Lights Ethanol/POET Biorefining - Big Stone: Corporate Accountant, (7 years) Valley Queen Cheese Factory: Financial Systems Analyst, (9 months) Pro Contracting: Controller, Outsourced Managed Services - Eide Bailly, Senior Accountant
Kaylynn Schutte
Accounts Payable Specialist
Business Office
Campus Life
Abby Ferris
Residence Life Assistant
Campus Life
Donna Gerlach, RN
Campus Nurse
Campus Life
Professional Excellence Award for Staff (2003-2004), Supervisor of the Semester for work Study (2009), Recognize for 20 years of service (2019), CPR certified, Certified in Mental Health First Aid
Kimberly Lienemann, M.A., LPC-MH, QMHP
Campus Counselor
Campus Life
I started working in the Behavioral Health field 30 years ago, and I became a licensed therapist in 2004 in Nebraska. The majority of my career was spent in residential, long term, treatment centers for adolescents and adults including four years on an acute psychiatric unit of a hospital in Omaha. I held a variety of clinical supervisory and staff training positions during my years in residential. I started working in private practice in 2016. Licensed Professional Counselor - Mental Health (LPC-MH) South Dakota 2018 - Current.
Heather Miller-Cink
Interim Dean of Students
Campus Life
The Rev. Anthony Purcell, Ph.D.
Campus Pastor
Campus Life
Senior Pastor at Lake Gibson United Methodist Church, Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion at Florida Southern College, Teaching Associate and Adjunct Professor at Emory University, Youth Minister at Lithia Springs United Methodist Church
Taryn Ragels, M. Div.
Associate Campus Pastor
Campus Life
Lead Pastor At Fusion Church (Mitchell, SD) (2020-Present), Director of Ministries at Fusion Church (2017-2020), Community Life and College Ministry Assistant at GracePoint Wesleyan Church (Brookings, SD)
Central Services
Dixie Nolz
Central Services Coordinator
Central Services
Bethany Melroe Lehrman, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry | Dean of the Donna Starr Christen College of Healthcare, Fitness and Sciences
Dr. Bethany Melroe Lehrman is a professor of chemistry; dean of the Donna Starr Christen College of Healthcare, Fitness and Sciences; and CHAOS club’s faculty adviser at DWU. In fall 2015, she received a HOPES grant, which allowed DWU students the opportunity to work with and teach science to fifth-graders from L.B. Williams Elementary in Mitchell. She is also a member of many professional affiliations: American Chemical Society (ACS), ACS Division of Chemical Education, Phi Lambda Upsilon (National Honorary Chemical Society), Phi Kappa Phi (Multidisciplinary Honor Society) and Gamma Sigma Delta (Honor Society of Agriculture). Awards: DWU Clarke Award for Teaching Excellence in 2021, DWU Exemplary Teacher Award in 2017, and DWU Faculty Professional Excellence Award in 2015
Paula Mazzer, Ph.D.
Professor of Biochemistry
Her postdoctoral research was with the Environmental Molecular Science Institute at Ohio State University. She taught at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Va., before coming to DWU. She is a member of the South Dakota EPSCoR BioSNTR team, a statewide NSF-funded project for undergraduate research, and is a recipient of the Faculty Fellowship Grant through South Dakota BRIN (a statewide NIH-funded project).
Krista Belanger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communications
Kyle Herges, MFA
Professor of Digital Media and Design
User Experience Designer (Current), Software Designer, Web Designer, Graphic Designer, Entrepreneur
Criminal Justice
Joel Reinesch, M.A.
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice | Faculty Athletic Representative
Criminal Justice
Joel is a Marine Corps (Infantry) veteran of two combat deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Not long after being Honorably Discharged in 2006, he started with the Mitchell Police Department. There, he held the ranks of Patrol Officer, Detective/Investigator and also Patrol Sergeant. Joel completed his undergrad officially in 2013 and his Master's in 2018. He worked for the Mitchell PD for more than 11 years before being hired by Dakota Wesleyan, his alma mater.
Mindy Childs, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor of Education
Mindy has 22 years of experience teaching K-12 special education. From 2006-2022, she instructed students, in a resource room setting, for the Mitchell School District at both Longfellow Elementary School and Mitchell High School. Additionally, during her time at Longfellow, she codirected Longfellow's LEAP program, a programmed designed to address academic gaps and facilitate direct instruction to students in the areas of reading and mathematics. From 2000-2006, Mindy taught special education for the Watertown School District and was one of the founding teachers for the school district’s behavior program known as Project SUCCESS.
Ashley Digmann, Ed.D.
Education Department Chair | Dean of the Ron and Sheilah Gates College of Business, Education and Social Science
7th-grade math/science teacher at Hopson Middle School in Barrow, AK. High School math teacher at Aberdeen Central HS in Aberdeen, S.D. She was awarded the Exemplary Teaching Award from DWU in 2015 and the Clarke Award for Teaching Excellence in 2016. She is a member of the South Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National Council of Teachers in Mathematics, Sigma Zeta honor society, and is a local Phi Kappa Phi honor society member. She is also the chair of the IRB committee.
Stephanie Gelderman, M.S.
Assistant Professor of Education
Stephanie began her professional career as a Family and Consumer Science teacher in Rapid City, SD. She continued her teaching career at Rio Middle and High School in Rio, WI and also taught Family and Consumer Sciences at Parkston Junior and Senior High School in Parkston, SD for ten years. During her time in Parkston, Stephanie received various recognitions for her service as a chapter advisor in the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of American (FCCLA) organization, including Master Adviser, Mentor Advisor, South Dakota Adviser of the Year, and the Spirit of Advising Award. She served as president of the South Dakota Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Science (SDATFCS) in 2021/2022, and was chosen as the SDATFCS Post-Secondary Educator of the Year in 2021 and 2022.
April Teel
Education Support Specialist
Melissa Weber, Ed.D.
Associate Professor of Education | Master of Arts in Education Coordinator
Canistota School District (ELA Teacher, Librarian, Assistant Principal, Curriculum Director) from 2007-2018; Bridgewater School District (ELA Teacher) from 2005 - 2007
Tressa Wede, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor of Education
5th Grade Teacher (LBW Elementary, Mitchell, SD), Gifted and Talented Teacher and Differentiation Specialist (Watertown, SD), 6th Grade Teacher (Irene Elementary School, Irene, SD) Awards: LBW Teacher of the Year in 2007, SDEA South Dakota Teacher to Remember in 2009, ING Unsung Hero Award in 2012, Mitchell Convention and Visitors Bureau Tourism Excellence Award in 2016, Carl Sprunger Outstanding Educator Award in 2017, Honored Women Educators of South Dakota in 2018.
Lori Wehlander, M.S., M.Ed.
Teaching and Learning Specialist
Compass/BHSSC (Eduction Learning Specialist), Huron School District (Director of Special Services), Iroquois and Carthage School Districts (Superintendent/Elementary Principal)
English and Languages
Barbara Duffey, Ph.D.
Professor of English
English and Languages
She is a published poet, with a chapbook, “The Circus of Forgetting,” and two more books of poetry, “Simple Machines” and “I Might Be Mistaken.” She was also the recipient of a $25,000 Creative Writing Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts in 2014, and “Simple Machines” won the Washington Prize from the D.C.-based literary nonprofit The Word Works in summer 2015. The award includes publication and a $1,500 cash prize. She also was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for two poems in 2015, and was the South Dakota State Poetry Society winner in 2013 for chapbook contest with “Four Quarters to a Section.”
Derric Ludens, M.A.
Assistant Professor of English
English and Languages
Ludens worked as the technical editor for USD’s Government Research Bureau and taught courses ranging from composition and literature, to honors English, and scientific and technical writing. Ludens has presented at numerous literary conferences and co-authored an entry for the Encyclopedia of United States-Latin American Relations where he addressed France’s 19th-century interests in Latin America. He also advises DWU’s Student Diversity Council and the Alpha Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta.
Vince Redder, Ph.D.
Professor in the Department of English and Languages | Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities
English and Languages
Dakota Wesleyan University (Dean and Professor), Wichita County, Texas (Adult Probation Department: Probation Officer and Court Services Officer), Wichita Falls, Texas (ISD: Certified Secondary English Teacher), Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas (Associate Pastor)
Financial Aid
Mary Alexander, M.S., FAAC
Director of Financial Aid
Financial Aid
I am a member of the National Association of Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), Rocky Mountain Association of Financial Aid Administrators (RMASFAA), and the South Dakota Association of Financial Aid Administrators (SDASFAA). I am also a member of the board of directors with the Mitchell Heart & Sole cancer assistance program.
Kristy Ehlebracht
Associate Director of Financial Aid
Financial Aid
Manager at Curves for Women, Bank Teller and Customer Service Representative at First National Bank
Sean Flynn, Ph.D.
Professor in the Department of History
He has been awarded the United Methodist Church General Board of Higher Education and Ministry Teaching Excellence Award and the Clarke Award for Teaching Excellence Award. He has written four books, including "Without Reservation: Benjamin Reifel and American Indian Acculturation" (Pierre: South Dakota Historical Society Press, 2018), a biography of South Dakota's only American Indian congressperson; and "Chief, Marine Corps Warrior" (2003), a military biography of Flynn's father, a decorated aviator and Korean War POW and one of the few pilots of American Indian descent to fly combat missions in World War II and Korea.
Human Resources
Kari Elling, Ed.D.
Director of Human Resources
Human Resources
Information Technology
Erik Gislason
Associate Director of IT Support
Information Technology
Pedro Ibarra
Digital Support Technician
Information Technology
Alec Kulm
Database Report Writer
Information Technology
Wim Rosendahl
Data Systems Administrator
Information Technology
Travis Walz
Director of IT
Information Technology
Martin Group/CHR Solutions, Ethos/Navigant/Guidehouse
Byron Warren
Systems Administrator
Information Technology
Kelley Center for Entrepreneurship
Jessica Dollahon, MBA
Assistant Director of the Kelley Center for Entrepreneurship | Assistant Professor of Management
Associate Professor | MBA Program Director | Director of the Kelley Center for Entrepreneurship
Business, Kelley Center for Entrepreneurship
Dr. Goldammer started her professional career as a high school English teacher. She moved into the private sector and worked in telecommunications and agribusiness. Here at DWU, Dr. Goldammer worked in public relations, went into student life in 2009, and in 2019 joined the business faculty.
Mitchell Technical College (Vice-President for Advancement, 2019-2021), Mitchell Technical College (Associate to the President, 2017-2019), Mitchell Technical College (Director of Marketing, 1995-2017), Mitchell Technical College (Public Information Specialist, 1991-1995)
Jordan Glanzer
Creative Content Developer
Marketing and Communications
Jan Larson, MBA
Director of University Marketing and Communications
Marketing and Communications
Larson was previously employed at TrioTel Communications, Inc., a broadband provider based in Salem, for more than 10 years while holding positions as director of internal operations and as marketing supervisor. She worked for local and statewide political campaigns and as an intern for Sen. John Thune in Washington, D.C. She previously served as a board member of Mitchell’s First Circuit CASA, and currently serves as a board member for the Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota. She is a member of Mitchell’s Downtown First United Methodist Church.
Chad Larson
Graphic Design Specialist
Marketing and Communications
Fredel Thomas, MBA
Vice President of Admissions and Marketing
Admissions, Marketing and Communications
Fredel started her career at DWU as director of the Kelly Center for Entrepreneurship, where she taught entrepreneurial leadership courses and served as a resource for regional businesses in South Dakota. She was named dean of admissions in 2015 and was promoted to vice president of admissions and marketing in 2018. As an extension to her work at DWU, Fredel served as chair of the Council on College Admissions in South Dakota, is a board member of the Dakota Association for College Admission Counseling, serves on the South Dakota Freedom Scholarship Advisory Council, is an affiliate for Credo, a higher education consulting firm, and a frequent speaker for the National Small College Enrollment Conference. Prior to DWU, Fredel worked 12 years in the telecommunications and technology industry as a programmer, quality assurance officer, project manager and director of product management. She has served as a board member for the Weekend Snack Pack, the Abbott House, the Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce, the Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota, and Avera Queen of Peace. She is active in her church where she leads youth group.
Michael Catalano, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics
Visiting Professor - NSF-AIRE scholar at Hope College, 2003-2004. Associate Professor of Mathematics – DWU, 1998 – 2003. Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean – DWU, 1998-2000. Assistant Professor of Mathematics – DWU, 1992 -1998. Assistant Professor – St. Olaf College, (non-tenure track, sabbatical replacement faculty), 1991-92. Teaching Assistant/Associate – University of Minnesota, 1985-1991. Teaching Assistant – Kent State University, 1984-1985. Chaired DWU's HLC Accreditation Committees for both our 2007 and 2016 Accreditation visits. Publications Include: Catalano, Michael T. 2015. “Review of Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from Data by Charles Wheelan.” Numeracy: Vol. 8 : Iss. 1, Article 13 Catalano, Michael T. 2015. “Review of The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Math, from One to Infinity by Steven Strogatz.” Numeracy: Vol. 8 : Iss. 1, Article 6 Catalano, Michael T. 2010. “College Algebra in Context: A Project Incorporating Social Issues," Numeracy: Vol. 3 : Iss. 1, Article 7 Catalano, Michael T., Leise, Tanya L., and Pfaff, Thomas J. 2009. "Measuring Resource Inequality: The Gini Coefficient," Numeracy: Vol. 2 : Iss. 2, Article 4 Catalano, Michael T. 1996. “Stable Splittings of BP for some Groups P of Order Thirty-two,” Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Mike Farney, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, mathematics
Farney teaches courses in physics, mathematics and astronomy. His current work beyond the classroom takes him to local school districts many times each year to encourage the young to become involved in scientific research, mathematics research and engineering.
Joan Lubben, Ph.D
Professor of Mathematics
McGovern Center for Leadership and Public Service
Joel Allen, Ph.D.
Professor of Religion and Philosophy | Director of the McGovern Center
McGovern Center for Leadership and Public Service, Religion
Lambuth University (2008 – 2011) Associate Professor of Religion, Union College (2005-2008) Adjunct in Bible and History
Erin Desmond, M.M.Ed.
Assistant Professor of Music | University Accompanist
Previously, Before moving to South Dakota in 2010, she taught general and vocal music at Belvidere South Middle School, Belvidere, Ind., and taught vocal music at Willowcreek Middle School in Portage, Ind. She also acted aswas the Area One Representative for the Circle the State with Song Choral Festival, and was the assistant and accompanist for the Southlake Children’s Choir from 2005-2007. Presently, Desmond serves as the R&S chair for Junior High/Middle School Choirs for SD-ACDA.
Clinton Desmond, DMA
Department Chair | Director of Choral Activities
Desmond has taught junior high and high school choir and has sung leading roles in opera and musical theatre. He debuted the role of Doctor Higgins in the 2005 world premiere performance and recording of Nancy Van de Vate’s “Where the Cross Is Made.”
Corbin Kramer
Performing Arts Talent Coordinator
Admissions, Music, Theatre
Jason Laczkoski
Instructor of Instrumental Music
Elizabeth Soladay
Instructor of Piano, Organ and Strings | LyricWood Orchestra Director
Nonprofit Administration
Alisha Vincent, EdD
Director of Practical Church Leadership Program | Professor of Nonprofit Administration
Business, Nonprofit Administration
Dr. Vincent has served in a variety of capacities at DWU since her start in 2013, including executive director of the McGovern Center, dean of the College of Adult and Professional Studies, and associate provost for program development. While serving in administrative capacities, Dr. Vincent has also directed the Nonprofit Administration program and served as a faculty member. She is currently an associate professor and directs the graduate Practical Church Leadership and undergraduate Nonprofit Administration programs.
Anastasia Barber, M.S.N., RN
Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., RN at Sanford Children's Hospital in Sioux Falls, S.D. Worked in the pediatric acute, NICU, and PICU units for 5.5 years.
Devin Constant, M.S.N., RN
Assistant Professor of Nursing
I started my career in nursing as a Certified Nurse Assistant in long-term care. After graduation from DWU, I started working as a Registered Nurse (RN) in the emergency room where I earned certifications such as TNCC (Trauma Nursing Core Course), ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support), and PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support). I then found my love of teaching and moved into an instructor and coordinator role for a Licensed Practical Nursing (L.P.N.) program where I taught for 3 years. In addition to my current position at DWU, I still work as an RN the hospital on the progressive care unit to maintain my certifications and stay current in the field.
Melissa Coull, M.S.N., RN
Assistant Professor of Nursing
I have worked in a variety of settings including hospital, clinic, and community nursing.
Paige Gau, M.S.N., RN, CPN
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Pediatric nurse at Sanford Children's Hospital since 2013, Clinical instructor since 2018 and Nursing Instructor at Southeast Technical College
Wendy Helleloid
Administrative Assistant
Spent the last 24 years in the banking industry.
Angela Klumb, B.S.N., RN
Instructor of Nursing
1 summer Certified Staff Assistant Omaha Med Center Neurology Unit 2008, 1 year RN Bryan Health LGH 2009, 7 years RN Avera Queen of Peace Hospital- I still work shifts as PRN, 7 years RN Clinic Supervisor Avera Medical Group Dermatology, Current Dakota Wesleyan Nursing Instructor
Lydia Nemec, M.S.N., RN, CNEn
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Practical Nursing Instructor at Western Dakota Technical College, Infusion Registered Nurse at Rapid City Medical Center, Clinical Resource Nurse at Monument Health Oncology Department, Registered Nurse at Monument Health Oncology Department
Stacey Patzlaff, M.S.N., RN, OCN
Associate Professor in the Department of Nursing
Patzlaff is an oncology certified nurse; she is also certified in chemotherapy/biotherapy and basic life support. She has worked as a registered nurse since 2002 in Lincoln and Omaha, Neb.
Sarah Raml, M.A., RN
Instructor of Nursing
Raml previously worked for Sanford Health as registered nurse for 18 years; served as an adjunct clinical instructor for SDSU, DWU, and MTC; and interim instructor of nursing at Augustana University.
Penny Tilton, DNP, M.S.N., RN
Associate Professor in the Department of Nursing | Administrative Chair of Nursing
Before coming to Dakota Wesleyan University, I taught nursing at SDSU for 6 years.
Physical Plant
Kevin Adams
Physical Plant Director
Physical Plant
Sandy Byrd
Physical Plant
Carolina Garcia
Physical Plant
Kathy Gardner
Physical Plant
Jeff Harris
Maintenance Technician
Physical Plant
Michelle Hilliard
Physical Plant
Elwin Hohn
Physical Plant
Eric Lofgren
Maintenance Technician
Physical Plant
Diane Morgan
Physical Plant
Ronald Pavlin
Physical Plant
Ashlee Reck
Physical Plant
Louie Schoenfelder
Associate Physical Plant Director
Physical Plant
Auto/diesel mechanic, dairy farmer
Brian Voorhees
Physical Plant
Emily George
Executive Administrative Assistant
President, Provost and Academic Affairs
Dan Kittle, Ph.D.
Served in Student Affairs at Michigan State University, 16 years at Wartburg College; served in faculty development, community engagement, service-learning, as well as served as the Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives and as the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students.
Provost and Academic Affairs
Derek Driedger, Ph.D.
Provost and Academic Affairs
Dean of Adult and Professional Studies, Dakota Wesleyan University, 2015-present; Associate Dean of Digital Learning, Dakota Wesleyan University, 2013-2015; English Professor, Dakota Wesleyan University, 2007-2013
Emily George
Executive Administrative Assistant
President, Provost and Academic Affairs
Ryan Glidden, M.A.
Instructional Designer
Provost and Academic Affairs
I've worked as an Instructional Designer since 2016. Prior to that I had roles in academic advising, admissions, and campus events. Recently, I started looking at informal learning spaces as a way to create social connections and develop a sense of belonging in third spaces, aiding in student retention.
Crystal Luna, M.Ed.
Assistant Registrar
Anderson University (Director of Educational Support Services, and Assistant Director of Adult Learning), MidAmerica Nazarene University (Academic Coordinator for Adults in MHR program)
Molly Manchester, MME
5th-12th Grade Band Director, 7th-12th Grade Choir Director
Jody Strand
Associate Registrar
KDLT-TV station, DWU: began in public relations (4 yrs), moved to admissions (18 yrs), then executive assistant to Dean (7 yrs), and currently associate registrar (13 yrs & counting), Assistant director of South Central South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair (20 yrs in conjunction with other positions)
Joel Allen, Ph.D.
Professor of Religion and Philosophy | Director of the McGovern Center
McGovern Center for Leadership and Public Service, Religion
Lambuth University (2008 – 2011) Associate Professor of Religion, Union College (2005-2008) Adjunct in Bible and History
Student Support Services
Tiffany Ellis
Academic Success Coordinator
Student Support Services
Fuller Center for Housing (Global Builders Program Manager & Bike Adventure Trip Leader), Russell Media (Digital Marketing Account Manager), Ball State University (Assistant Lecturer of ESL), Fulbright Student Program (English Teaching Assistant (North Macedonia '12-'13)), Ball State University (Graduate Assistant (ESL Instructor))
Kyle Hobbs, M.Ed.
Director of TRIO Student Support Services
Student Support Services
Dakota Wesleyan University (Head Strength and Conditioning Coach and Adjunct Professor of Sport, Exercise and Wellness), University of Delaware (Strength and Conditioning Assistant Coach), University of Georgia (Georgia Football Strength and Conditioning Coach)
Luke Loudenburg, M.Ed.
Student Success Adviser
Student Support Services
Kelli Mueller, M.Ed.
Student Success Adviser
Student Support Services
Mitchell School District (7th/8th grade science instructor)
Jodi Wilson, M.S.Ed.
Student Success Adviser | Office of Disability Services Coordinator
Student Support Services
Third Grade Teacher (Longfellow Elementary), Computer Teacher (John Paul II Elementary) and Contract Manager (FARR Technologies)
Corbin Kramer
Performing Arts Talent Coordinator
Admissions, Music, Theatre
Dan Miller, MFA
Professor of Theatre | Chair of the Ron and Sheilah Gates Department of Theatre
Associate Professor of Theatre (Tenured) and Director of Theatre, Dakota Wesleyan University, 2014 - Present; Assistant Professor of Comm. / Theatre, Director of Theatre, Dakota Wesleyan University, 2006 - 2014; Box Office Manager, New Harmony Theatre (LORT), New Harmony, IN, 2006; Adjunct Theatre Instructor of Theatre, University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, IN; Lecturer of Drama, University of Evansville, Evansville, IN; Artistic Managing Director Evansville Civic Theatre Evansville, IN