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09 Oct 2024
09 Oct 2024

The Saint Johns Bible Presentation

  • Price: FREE

You are cordially invited to a Blessing and Presentation as we celebrate the magnitude and significance of this once-in-a-generation gift to Dakota Wesleyan University.

In 1998, the Saint John's Abbey and University commissioned a handwritten, hand-illuminated Bible. DWU is the proud recipient of the seven-volume Heritage Edition, a limited collection of this work and the only public collection to be located in the Dakotas.

See it. Touch it. Experience it.

Light refreshments to follow in the McGovern Library.

Start Date & Time
Wednesday, Oct 09, 2024, 3:30 p.m.

End Date & Time
Wednesday, Oct 09, 2024, 5:30 p.m.

DWU Sherman Center


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