
About DWU

DWU Esports

Let’s game.

Dakota Wesleyan University offers esports – a multiplayer video gaming program that gives you the opportunity to compete on a national, collegiate level all while earning a degree. 

The games we've selected are diverse and challenging. As a player, you master a wide range of skills - from agility to quick thinking and adaptability to risk management. You will also have a rigorous practice schedule matched with GPA and wellness requirements.

DWU esports games include Overwatch 2Rocket LeagueFortniteHaloValorant, Rainbow Six Siege, Super Smash Bros, Apex and more. Teams are customized based on player preference! 

Plus, you will earn a scholarship for participating in esports. 


Want to earn an esports scholarship? Let's connect! 

First Name:
Last Name:
Zip Code:
Cell Phone Number (with area code):
Name of High School:
Graduation Year:
What game are you most interested in playing?:
Questions / Comments: