
Forensic Science & Investigation

Investigate Crime with Confidence

Interested in crime investigation and forensic science? Take classes focusing on chemistry and the methods of criminal investigation. This minor combines physical and social sciences, focusing on the connection between scientific inquiry and the criminal justice system. Find a career in criminal investigation or evidence examination and analysis.

What careers will you find using your forensic science and investigation minor?

Grow your skills to enter fields such as:

Criminal investigator 

Forensic Anthropology  


Forensic Science Courses

Curious what courses you'll complete? You'll review topics such as: 

CHM 164 University Chemistry

3 Hours
A one-semester course covering the core concepts of general chemistry, maintaining the depth and relevance of a two semester sequence. Topics covered include: bonding, equilibrium, stoichiometry, chemical kinetics, and oxidation-reduction. Prerquisite: MTH 120 or equivalent is recommended.

CHM 166 University Chemistry Lab

1 Hours
An introduction to experimental chemical methods of synthesis and characterization by quantitative and qualitative procedures. Experiments will relate to topics covered in CHM 164. Prerequisite or co-requisite: CHM 164.

CHM 174 Organic and Biochemistry


CHM 323 Analytical Chemistry

4 Hours
Students will study quantitative analytical methods, principles, details and applications, including the statistical treatment of data. Lab exercises cover the qualitative analysis scheme in the first half of the semester and more specific analytical problems in the second half. Three lectures, one three-hour laboratory, plus extra lab hours by arrangement. Prerequisite: CHM 164/166 or CHM 174/174L. Corequisite: CHM 323L.

CRJ 210 Introduction to Criminal Justice

3 Hours
This course introduces the history and philosophy of criminal justice systems, including law enforcement, courts and corrections. It offers a comprehensive study of the theory and systems of criminal justice in modern societies, and examines the interrelationships of law enforcement agencies, court systems, correctional and penal systems, and the administration of justice.

CRJ 258 Criminology

3 Hours
This course includes an analysis of the major sociological theories of crime causation, sociological aspects of types of offenders, and the methodologies of measuring and analyzing criminal behavior and environments conducive to criminal behavior.

CRJ 261 Criminal Law

3 Hours
Students will study the scope and sources of criminal law. This course gives special attention to the basic elements of crime, defenses and criminal responsibility.

CRJ 357 Corrections

3 Hours
This course introduces the concepts, philosophies and theories of corrections and penology. Students will examine trends and patterns in treatment of criminal offenders with special emphasis on early identification, referral processes and current innovative methods of rehabilitation.

CRJ 365 Criminal Evidence

3 Hours
This course will build upon the principles learned in CRJ 261 (Criminal Law) in order to provide students a more nuanced understanding of criminal law procedures. Special attention will be placed on the legalities of collecting physical evidence and of using obtained confessions. Prerequisite: CRJ261.

CRJ 385 Criminal Investigation

3 Hours
This course is an introduction to the principles involved in the investigation of crimes, with particular attention to historical origins, the investigator, organization and management of the investigative function, and investigative methods, including crime scene processing, suspect identification and use of information sources.

Get to Know Your Professors

Learn how to study evidence! Our low student-to-teacher ratio offers valuable one-on-one interaction. 

Bethany Melroe Lehrman, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry

Joel Reinesch, M.A.

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice | Faculty Athletic Representative

Paula Mazzer, Ph.D.

Professor of Biochemistry

DWU will prepare you for the most important emerging careers in science

Explore majors you may want to pursue. 



General Science

Related Majors & Minors

Criminal Justice

Discover ways to use your talents for law, law enforcement, juvenile support, corrections, court reporting or many other ways that are a part of the United States legal system.


    If problem solving is your thing, you'll fit right in at DWU.


      Explore the living things around you, while you investigate the complexity of life processes in animals and plants.

        General Science

        Study the wonders of biological and physical sciences.


          Our psychology major will take you on an exploration of human behavior from biological, behavioral, cognitive, social and cultural viewpoints.


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